Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground!

Well I hope you don't mind, but yet again I'm telling you a story involving a patient. I hope you don't get sick of these because I sure don't! Old people are hilarious. Well most of them.... Anyways my day began by going to the dentist. I unfortunately had to get some cavities filled. (Exciting so far right). My dentist gave me 6 shots. I was fine with that, I didn't want to fill anything. Well I was hating those 6 shots after I was done. I got out of the dentist at 10:10. I scheduled to see my first patient at 10:30. Perfect. Except half my lip is excessively huge and I can't feel it. My chin up to the bottom of my eye was numb. I look liked I was having a stroke. Well I saw my first patient and he just laughed at me the entire time. My speech was slightlly slurred to due to the lack of control of my tongue and lips. Well, now here comes my favorite part of my day. I was at my second patients house and we were walking the laps around her house. All the sudden I hear an Oops! First thought, patient is falling. Gotta catch them. Then she starts laughing hysterically. I look down and her pants had fallen off. Oh man, I don't think I had ever laughed so hard. We made a real team. This old lady standing with her pants down to her ankles just in her lovely depends, and me looking like i'm having a stroke, because only half of my face thought this was funny, the other side in a constant droop and frown. I love my job, who else gets asked out by old men, old women aiming the snow from the snow blower to hit me, walking with an old person and there pants fall down, being told I look like elvis... I don't have to many dull days.


kcooke said...

I sure don't get sick of your stories..I am always laughing hysterically as I read them! I hope by this point you can feel your whole face and that your patient has found some pants that fit ha ha :)

Shandi and James said...

PA HA HA HA! Ok seriously, I love reading your posts! I die laughing every time... classic. :)

Ty and Ber said...

Oh boy that one is a good one! Just imagine if it were the other way around though: Your pants are down around your ankles (you can have depends on if you want) and your patient looks like they had a stroke (that one is very possible).

Have fun at work tomorrow! :)